Disgrace on the Empowerment Scholarship Accounts theory, conveniently put in place by republicans who want be able to subvert the public school system by claiming that the costs of education born by taxpayers are transferable private citizens. Shifty mathematics and estimates that do not coalesce into actual costs for educating students have become a daring dance of misplaced priorities. How's that for a cha cha cha? I think the biggest rub comes from the students who are being compensated for their tuition who have never attended public schools. Their numbers are not reflected in projections that are used to justify budgets. I'm getting this information from the AZ Mirror article from 1/30/24 "Arizona school vouchers cost taxpayers more per student but Republicans say they don't". To my reckoning, though, the most egregious disservice caused to the students and taxpayers by the ESA voucher program is the disjointed view of an educated population that results from being able to separate students into disparate learning options. The AZ Department of Education administers a curriculum for public schools that can be bypassed by other educational flavors that only need to adhere to basic guidelines. What a disgrace that a religious view of history or a commonplace understanding of science passes for an educational mandate. What a disgrace that our teachers here in the state of Arizona have to tolerate this nonsense that puts students on unequal footing with each other. And the state budget suffers deficits because of the ESA program. Another reason to vote the republican "politicians" out of office in November. With democrats in the majority in both houses of our state legislature, imagine the changes they could institute with Governor Hobbs' support. Arizona might even see smarter, more secure, and all around better citizens-in-the-making from the students of the 2025 school year.
Dang, you're compelling. Excellent observations. The American public school has been one of the great levelers in American society, but there's something about that notion that disturbs reactionaries who prefer to segregate by class. One of the sins is the impulse of criticizing schools for failure to perform when the blame rests with those that have denied the necessary resources to teachers. And yet, you know how many teachers, dedicated souls, take out of their own pockets for school supplies. Let's hope that we can see a turnaround.
Very well said Herb. Thank you. America’s advantage has been openness to new ideas and universal public education. Amazing one party seeks to return us to the pre Civil War.
Disgrace on the Empowerment Scholarship Accounts theory, conveniently put in place by republicans who want be able to subvert the public school system by claiming that the costs of education born by taxpayers are transferable private citizens. Shifty mathematics and estimates that do not coalesce into actual costs for educating students have become a daring dance of misplaced priorities. How's that for a cha cha cha? I think the biggest rub comes from the students who are being compensated for their tuition who have never attended public schools. Their numbers are not reflected in projections that are used to justify budgets. I'm getting this information from the AZ Mirror article from 1/30/24 "Arizona school vouchers cost taxpayers more per student but Republicans say they don't". To my reckoning, though, the most egregious disservice caused to the students and taxpayers by the ESA voucher program is the disjointed view of an educated population that results from being able to separate students into disparate learning options. The AZ Department of Education administers a curriculum for public schools that can be bypassed by other educational flavors that only need to adhere to basic guidelines. What a disgrace that a religious view of history or a commonplace understanding of science passes for an educational mandate. What a disgrace that our teachers here in the state of Arizona have to tolerate this nonsense that puts students on unequal footing with each other. And the state budget suffers deficits because of the ESA program. Another reason to vote the republican "politicians" out of office in November. With democrats in the majority in both houses of our state legislature, imagine the changes they could institute with Governor Hobbs' support. Arizona might even see smarter, more secure, and all around better citizens-in-the-making from the students of the 2025 school year.
Dang, you're compelling. Excellent observations. The American public school has been one of the great levelers in American society, but there's something about that notion that disturbs reactionaries who prefer to segregate by class. One of the sins is the impulse of criticizing schools for failure to perform when the blame rests with those that have denied the necessary resources to teachers. And yet, you know how many teachers, dedicated souls, take out of their own pockets for school supplies. Let's hope that we can see a turnaround.
Very well said Herb. Thank you. America’s advantage has been openness to new ideas and universal public education. Amazing one party seeks to return us to the pre Civil War.